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Crystal Joseph/ LCPC, LPC, ACS
Clinical Executive Officer

What's all that alphabet soup?!


LCPC = Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (Maryland)

LPC = Licensed Professional Counselor (Virginia)

ACS = Approved Clinical Supervisor (both states)


Each state declares standards (laws) a therapist must meet before he/she/they are able to practice counseling and/or supervise others within the industry. Fun fact: Virginia was the first state to provide licensure to counselors and remains one of the most stringent states to gain one's license to practice counseling. 


​Now let's meet the owner and founder of PsycYourMind: Crystal specializes in Anxiety-informed Depression, Psycho-Oncology, Racial Identity Formation, and Cultural Trauma in the Black community; and, is PsychoHairapy certified. She has sixteen years experience working with persons affected by mental health challenges, systemic barriers, and culturally traumatic experiences. Crystal is an alumna of William & Mary and received her Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Washington DC. Prior to obtaining licensure as a therapist, Crystal coordinated mental health supports for diplomats and high profile individuals as a board-certified case manager.


Crystal is an active member of her community seeking to educate graduate students about the reality of private practice; speaking with local, mid and global companies on how to support their employees' mental health secondary to her advisor role at Therify; appearing as a seminar expert for national conferences, or advocating alongside celebrities during community mental health summits. She serves as a White House Correspondent for BMore News. Crystal partners with her sorority sisters, participating in panels and community events as a seventeen-year member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.


As the author of Conversation with A Clinician of Color: Likeness, Lucy & Lemonade, Crystal hopes to break down the stigma of seeking mental health treatment in the Black community through continued education within a system that wasn't built for us. PoundCake & Private Practice: 5 Things I Learned During My First Year published June 2018 and PoundCake & Private Practice: 5 Things I Learned During the Pandemic; Fall 2022. Crystal shares five components. . . the chief ingredients used to make PsycYourMind® what it is today.


Wish to learn more about me or private practice? Schedule here. Book me as your speaker

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